We don’t publish our dollar giving, but we feel it is important for us to give back to our community and we even do so anonymously when possible.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi
Ways we give back:
We clothe:
As an apparel provider, we believe it is important to make sure others are clothed. We donate clothes to foster programs in the US and to orphanages in third world countries.
We support mental and physical health:
We support organizations working to prevent human trafficking, dismantle networks, and rescue victims. Additionally, wherever possible, we utilize partner vendors with a public position against such wrongdoing.
Finally, last but not least…
We advocate for those who cannot move: We have a long standing history of supporting the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation both monetarily and with vocal advocacy across the US. This movement disorder is the 3rd largest (behind Tremor and Parkinson’s), is commonly misdiagnosed for years, difficult to treat and has no known cure.